Terms and Conditions:
The eyelash technician reserves the right to refuse sales and service to anyone for any reason at any time.
Product and Service prices are subject to change at any time.
Late arrival for service bookings may result in reduced treatment time.
Gift Certificates will not be replaced, refunded or redeemed if defaced, mutilated, altered or lost or stolen.
Cash refund will not be given for any unused balance on the Gift Certificate.
Unused balance on expiry of the gift certificate will not be refunded or credited.
Purchases exceeding the available balance of the gift certficate require that the difference be payed by another method being cash if eftpos is unavaliable.
Privacy Policy
Get Lashed by Sofia will not sell or provide any information about you or your company to any third party. The information provided by you on this site will be used to deliver products and services that you have requested or ordered, and from time to time, Get Lashed by Sofia will use your contact information to notify you of specials or promotions. At your request we agree to remove your name from our mailing list.